They believe that otaku live less than average

They believe that otaku live less than average

In recent days, a statement made by a user on Twitter has ignited an intense debate among Japanese netizens. The message in question stated, "Otakus always say they want to die because they assume they will live to be 80, when in fact they die at 40 or 50." This statement has resonated strongly in the community, prompting a flood of responses and reflections on the relationship between the otaku lifestyle and health.

They believe that otaku live less than average

Several Twitter users have concurred with this statement, sharing their own concerns and observations. One of the most prominent comments is that of a netizen who stated: "I mean it very seriously, many people between 40 and 50 years old related to the otaku hobby are suddenly dying of illness. I feel like I'm probably going to die at that age myself because I'm living an inadequate lifestyle."

They believe that otaku live less than average

The central concern of this discussion revolves around the idea that the lifestyle associated with otaku culture could be contributing to a decrease in life expectancy among its followers. Factors that are mentioned as possible causes include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle: Many otakus spend long hours sitting in front of the computer, watching anime, reading manga, or playing video games. Lack of regular physical activity can lead to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
  • Unhealthy diet: It's common for anime and manga fans to opt for fast, low-nutrition foods, such as snacks, instant ramen, and energy drinks, instead of a balanced diet.
  • Sleep deprivation: Anime and video game marathons often result in sleepless nights, which can have adverse long-term health effects, including weakened immune systems and increased risk of chronic disease.
  • Stress and mental health: While being a part of the otaku community can be a source of happiness and camaraderie, it can also come with high levels of stress, especially when it comes to balancing the hobby with work or academic responsibilities.
  • Lack of regular medical checkups: Intense dedication to their hobbies can lead to otakus neglecting their health, postponing doctor visits and preventative treatments.

This discussion has opened a space for reflection on the importance of maintaining a balance between hobbies and a healthy lifestyle. While some otakus are championing their lifestyle, others have begun to take steps to improve their health, inspired by the concerns expressed in the debate.

  • "My boss is also an otaku and he's as fat as a Snorlax. He fainted at work the other day and since then he's had a number of physical problems now in his 50s, so they're probably right."
  • "I want to be like that. A life expectancy of 40 years seems more than enough to me."
  • "As soon as I improved my lifestyle, I started to feel lighter and my stomach started to feel better. It's important to start thinking about a healthy lifestyle when you reach your 40s."
  • "I'm only 32 years old, but I live with the mentality of 'if I die tomorrow, I don't want to regret it'. I don't mean that in a negative sense. I try to enjoy every day to the fullest, so even if I die unexpectedly, everything will be fine."
  • "I'm not a fan of poor diet or chronic insomnia because that alone can shorten your life expectancy. Especially if you don't have regular medical check-ups."
  • "I'll be lucky if I live into my fifties."
  • "I've heard that the original life expectancy of a human being was until the late 30s, and that if you didn't die until you were 40 or 50, you were considered a long-lived individual."
  • "My closest companions and friends have all passed away before the age of fifty. I still have some time left, but I can't help but sigh when I think about how much longer I can survive."

Source: Otakomu